Based on a Jay Doscher Quick Kit and built over a rpi4 and 7" touch screen. The Harbor Freight case I'm using is slightly different than the Pelican the kit was designed for, so I had to tweak some dimensions to make the faceplate fit. Next I will be designing a bottom tray for the keyboard and possibly finding space for an audio jack (maybe the hole by the power input???)
I named her Sophon (智子) after the microscopic supercomputers from The Three Body Problem series, even though this Sophon isn't going to be sabotaging any particle accelerators any time soon. No particular project purpose yet, I just had a spare Raspberry Pi and thought making a laptop would be neat.
I've had 2 RPi 4s sitting around for years now. One is in here now, the other is going to be my Klipper platform for my Ender 3 S1, once I get a case set up for that.
I gave one away to my brother as a "sorry I forgot your birthday" gift, then a couple months later they were suddenly 200 dollars lmao.
even though this Sophon isn’t going to be sabotaging any particle accelerators any time soon.
Looks like those military grade toughbooks that are built to withstand an EMP.
I have seriously considered lining the inside with metal, extending an antenna out the front of the faceplate, and filling it with survival docs, gps maps, etc. It definitely has a Fallout vibe,