Sources on Beau's crimes: this one compiles many of the available documentation from the trials/testimonies/etc Sources on Beau's real past which he seems to prefer to keep under wraps: The same blog from above includes a lot of details interview with him where he contradicts much of his own story especially regarding where he's from Vids from his time in Cincinnati after he was found out in Florida, when he still used his real voice:

  • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I don't think he's confirmed it but he really gives the signs of a Trotskyist lol

    Trostkyists don't really take after Trotsky himself. At least I wouldn't say that's the defining feature of a trot. Trotsky himself said some stuff that wasn't entirely wrong, and he said some stuff that was completely wrong, and Trotskyists somehow evolved into following just Trotsky and nobody else. That's all they read and care about, and anything Lenin said was, when you speak to one, superseded by whatever Trotsky had to say about it.

    Trots were the ones who started "Neither Washington nor Moscow (but yes Washington)" back in the day, and are not back with "Neither Washington nor Beijing".

    Empenada's video on Xinjiang which was supposed to look at every argument just ended up saying "there's propaganda in the West but actually they're right regardless". He can't bring himself to support any current socialist experiment but he still calls himself a Marxist, which is 90% of the defining features of a trot.