• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    2 months ago

    "Wow you seem to not understand how important it is to send every male Ukrainian under 60 to die so that lines on a map don't change

    Also, Putler!"

    When I really step back and look at the Ukraine war fervor and anti-Russia sentiments for the last 2+ years, it's still boggling to me how many liberals in the US pretended (still do I guess) to know wtf a Ukraine was for one and two that they gave a single ounce of a fuck about anyone actually living anywhere in that region. If you cared you'd demand Washington stop fucking interfering in the region which means stop sending weapons. "But the map lines! Europe! He will invade!" Fucking hogs, man

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I think the author is very optimistic about Russia's willingness to return to the negotiating table now. Once they've secured sufficient "buffer zone" between Donbass and Russia it might change but I can't imagine giving up the initiative now.

  • Tunnelvision [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Literally the only sober article I’ve seen from a western journalist. Doubtful Ukraine will actually do it though. The next few months are going to be very critical though so maybe something will change.

  • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
    2 months ago

    Putin does not trust the West anymore and Russia is in the driver's seat. They could gain much more territory of the Russian-speaking oblasts and if the Ukraine army collapses; basically ineffective to defense, Russia is going to take Odessa. This will also embarrass the US military industrial complex in their 10-year agreements and 10 year contracts to build artillery shells basically for nothing if Russia can pull a major victory this summer.