• mrbigcheese [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I dont care if Ukraine invades itself, thats its own business. The idea Ukraine would really pose any real threat to Russia is just dumb, its the poorest country in Europe and Russia has 6000 nuclear warheads.

    • anoncpc [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Well, the Donbass region ask Russia for help. Again, Russian will not tolerate any nato force/nato train force in Ukraine. 6k war head doesn't matter when the enemy force is next to your border that nato could put nuke that aim straight at Moscow. This is just a classic battle for influence, the Russian will not tolerate any force next to them just as the US will not tolerate any military build up near them, which is why they tried to invade Cuba in the first place, because they can't control them, if they can't control them then they blockade them.

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I know it why the US did that, but you understand the US shouldn't have right? Russia won't tolerate it, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't have. Its not like Ukraine would have ever joined NATO with ongoing border conflicts, and its not like Cuba posed a threat to the US either even with nukes.

        • anoncpc [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          US shouldn't have, but they still did it. The US shouldn't expand nato either, but they still did it. As I said, the US touch the Russian sphere of influence, Russia naturally respond, Cuba is not posing a threat to the US but they still get blockade and harass. The world would be perfect if the elite not thirst for power, but that's fantasy, not the reality we're dealing with.

          • mrbigcheese [he/him]
            1 year ago

            ok but this whole convo started with "of course he should have invaded what else was he supposed to do???" and obviously the answer is not invade, lots of other stuff any more rational country like China could have done 🤷

            • anoncpc [comrade/them]
              1 year ago

              Well he tried for 8 years and it gotten worst. If today, Tsai In Wen declare independent, then China would instantly commence reunification. If 2014 coup hasn't happen, don't think Russia would invade.

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I don't care for government stoking separatist movements in other countries for one thing, that's the shit the US does. You people believe insane shit about Putin, you think he is invading Ukraine out of altruism for Russians there?

        • anoncpc [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Don't think the Russian govt need to stoke separatist movement when it's only 20 years the Soviet dissolve after all, considering the history of that region which was once belong to Russian empire then transfer to Ukraine SSR because they were country. Peoples there have family in both. Like i'm not surprise that the region want to separate after learning their govt want to ban the language that they've been using since forever.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Ukraine has been bombing civilians for nearly a decade and allowed Nazi paramilitaries to harass and kill them.

      You "dont care" about that? It's Ukraine's "own business?"

      Fuck you dude, also this provides a lot of context for the repeated threads you posted to whine about anti-war conferences.

      • Camaron29 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Oh cool, so then we should also support the US intervening in Iraq, i guess.

    • World_Wario_II [he/him]
      1 year ago

      You don’t care if Ukrainians do genocides on Russian ethnic civilians by bombing cities and burning communists alive in union halls? That’s lib shit