I love outside of Gary Indiana, and yeah it can be dangerous if you look lost or like you have no purpose for being there, but there's also good working people just trying to eke out the same shit living we all are. I hear my mom and sisters say this kind of shit and it's just like. Sigh
Edit; for some fun examples look on any reddit thread about dangerous trips or some shit and people will constantly talk about how badass they were for driving through Gary or St Louis or some shit.
It's not a warzone mayos.
The annoying part is this was originally a term coined by drill rappers and referred to, like, very specific pockets of extreme poverty and gang violence where a lot of them grew up. Of course it got co-opted and now it's just another conservative talking point.
Believe me I know. I grew up a 20 min walk from chief keef. I still fall asleep to war movies/documentaries bc I'm used to gunfire