
      2 months ago

      Not that bad. Please dont conflate South Asian problems to Palestinian 75 years of ethnic cleansing/genocide. Kashmir has more diverse issues of religious radicalization and unsettled border issues.

        2 months ago

        Unsettled borders. Lol. Its occupied by India. And also India has been instrumental in displacing people. Conducting pogroms. Grabbing land. There's vested western interests who have been interfering and aiding india. This intensified since around partition in '47. Maybe you should learn what kashmir and its history before downplaying them "problems".

          2 months ago

          Arent people involved in the Kashmiri indie movement routilinely assasinated also?

          Im pretty confident they also endured things such as the above...

          I do think the most comparable struggle at the moment would be Irelands struggle, but parrells to Palestine arent uncalled for either honestly.

            2 months ago

            They are routinely targeted. Not just that broadly west and its proxies like israel also give support to keep blacksites to carryout torture. They even supply intel to people carrying rohingya genocide to hunt people down who flee to mizoram or bangladesh or kashmir.

            Paramilitaries take away kids to torture sites and estimates at 2020 were like over 10,000. They target schools, food rations and hospitals all the time. Also not to mention India hates any media leak or covergae so it constantly bans internet and keeps high surveillance.

            India has been trotting out big name companies to "develop" the place and open real estate. So saying this is some "south east asian problem over religion" is demeaning.

            2 months ago

            Sure pakistan is a client state of US. Pak has interest over kashmir but at this point it can barely concentrate on its own. The larger hold has been had India. At this point US state has better standing with India.

            The aid from west since war on terror has been primarily used by paramilitaries here in my country to broadly quash movements. Whether its communist movements with operation steepleback or targeting tribal land through Israeli tech or broadly targeting kashmiri people.

            USA has billions in deals with India and sees it as strategic stand against china. The usa sure picked picked when british left. To use pak and Afghanistan against USSR. But at this point it shifted from assets in pak or afghanistan to India.

            By this year India has restructured their control on j&k since 2020. They got the authority to decide land reforms and development in j&k not pak. They make sure whether internet works or not to control the information flow. Indian military has the stronghold not pak.

            Yet you accuse me of one siding this, which is very gross. On top of it you tell me that I don't know history or what happened back when the king signs over. I know all that and also just cause a king signed that doesn't grant carte blanche to India. Its been decades from that and a lot shifted since. Pakistan can't decide shit in kashmir cause it doesn't call any shots, India does. Calling pak kashmir occupier in 2024 is untrue and laughable.

          • GlueBear [they/them]
            2 months ago

            You sound exactly like a Palestinian genocide denier. Since when do "rulers" making decisions to give up an entire country to another state mean anything?

            Kings, shahs, priests, etc have no right to sign off ownership to another country.

            The kashmiris of today want freedom and independence, fuck India and Pakistan.

      • GlueBear [they/them]
        2 months ago

        Kashmir has more diverse issues of religious radicalization and unsettled border issues.

        That doesn't negate the fact that non-kashmiris are attempting to colonize Kashmir.

        Also: That's literally what kashmiris themselves say about their issue. India literally allies with Israel because it wants to copy their model of apartheid.

          • GlueBear [they/them]
            2 months ago

            It's insane. Maybe they need a genocide broadcasted to them on their phones to actually take kashmiri suffering seriously.

            I literally have kashmiris in my community and they all agree that India is trying to do to them what Isntrael is doing to the Palestinians.

            India literally says this is why they're so allied with Israel.

              2 months ago

              Its actually pretty gross and I'm pretty taken aback to see this on like lemmygrad. Some other place on the web I won't be shocked. But yeah saying its some territory problem or religion. Or just some SE asian problem. Very demeaning.

              Also saying its not that old of a struggle is also pretty undermining. Like the whole region since '47 hasn't been stable. Apparently carving out a state and being occupied since then is only some se asian problem.

              Its one thing to see IT cell points online. Jesus seeing it verbatim here something. Someone literally said its all Pakistan's fault. I guess it was Pakistan who mass rounds up kids to blacksites or evicts people to sell the land to some Indian capitalist.

              It is just very disappointing.

              • GlueBear [they/them]
                2 months ago

                I've seen a post on this site pushing an anti-refugee meme targeted at syrians. It got deleted, but still I was shocked.

                I stay on hexbear for a reason lmao.

                • DankZedong
                  2 months ago

                  That's just a weird take lol. People can post anything on here. I've deleted explicit images of minors here. Doesn't make this site a pedohotspot. It was deleted for a reason. We don't tolerate that.

              • DankZedong
                2 months ago

                Not really sure what you mean with the jab to Lemmygrad. The person you are replying to got downvotes and people actually countered their arguments. The OP of this post got permabanned for ban evasion and partly for his islamophobic and homophobic takes which he was already banned for. I don't think Lemmygrad agrees with aiding with oppressors and genociders.

                And, as always, if someone has a problem with a comment: please report.

                  2 months ago

                  I didn't mean to say lemmygrad agrees with that or something. I meant that the hindu fascist narratives popping up as comments here was weird and said that person was gross. I meant that was out of place for lemmygrad. No offense to the community. I was talking about the commenter. I saw the op before on a similar thread on c/indianleft where they blamed kashmir on religious strife or whatever.

                  I will surely report. Thanks.

    • GlueBear [they/them]
      2 months ago

      This site is so weird.

      Indigenous rights are non-negotiable. land deeds, contracts, and agreements made between the bourgeoisie do not overrule the right of the people to their own land.

        2 months ago

        this topic, as a complete outsider to this I can only observe the dialetics of it, from the sides of the indian person, and the kashmir.

        I've only ever seen indian perspectives minimize whats happening, while the Kashmiri perspective is only ever 'stop killing us'.

        Im not sure or dont have the perspective to understand why some people on the indian side of this issue do this, and wont try to make a comment on it.