• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 11th, 2024


  • I went to kashmir many times, there are 2 things people should know, the state of original Kashmir consists of buddhists, hindus and Muslims. Earlier due to the rise of extremism in muslim population, hindus were ethnically cleansed from the Kashmir valley region. There is still significant amount of buddhists and hindus in jammu and ladakh regions. Due to the rise of wahabism and extremist ideology supported by Pakistan, there is much tension and expections of violence. The largest communist party of India has a member from Kashmir and it standpoint is, it will return the state autonomy with enhanced protection laws for all people. It will take development measures to dilute the extremism. Like Xinjiang as an important autonomous state within China and we cannot give Kashmir away to separatists and religious extremists who could carry out ethnic cleansing of hindus and buddhists if they come to power. There are also good secular muslim forces and political parties within the kashmir and we should enhance that.
