Turns out basically nobody is as conservative as their church.

  • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
    2 years ago

    My parents force me to go to church. Ironically, despite not giving a shit about church or the Bible, I have more basic compassion for people. They’ll preach big about the Bible but when it comes to seeing another struggling person as a human being, they’ll instantly become nihilists. I mean, I’m pessimistic too, but I’m not religious so I get an excuse.

    Ironically, it’s because they believe Americans are too evil and not worth helping despite loving the country so much. My mom would keep saying shit like “I’m sorry god, but you simply can’t love or help anyone in America like you can in Vietnam”

    I think the takeaway here is that the US strips away your humanity.

    Also, one of the significant reasons for why men don’t want to become catholic priests is because they’re afraid of being accused of sexual abuse lmao