Are they good, bad, ugly?

Paleo, Keto, Atkins etc. what's the deal? my instinct is they're all scams but i ain't no expert

  • PZK [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Tbh, some of the purest bro-science you will ever encounter is what the "ideal human diet" is. People will site all kinds of various studies that point different directions and everyone has a different opinion and the human body is pretty versatile.

    I have done keto (lost 65 lbs and kept it off) and do it to occasionally lose weight. I always felt the best doing it but it isn't for everyone, and its certainly easy to overdo. Vegans hate the keto diet and will tell you it will kill you because it naturally ends up involving a lot of animal fat/protein, and they will tell you that ketosis and ketacidosis are the same thing. A key thing is still having cheat days and having fiber intake. You also should avoid a lot of products that are marketed as "keto" because they usually are not. The rule I have usually followed is that if I am craving something, I shouldn't have it.

    Also you won't stay keto because food is too delicious to live that way anyway. Naturally you are going to find yourself eating less so it does end up being a calories in/out routine. However people who preach the calories in/out mindset usually ignore the fact that your body will adjust your energy levels because it doesnt want to lose weight. It isn't a perfect controllable model of thermodynamics. They also disregard the role blood sugar levels and insulin resistance have with weight gain and retention. Keto essentially makes your body re-adjust its metabolism to where it doesn't have an excuse to have the extra body fat.

    Find a diet that works for you and makes you feel good. If you wanted my advice, I would just say do something low-carb with veggies and occasional fruit and commit yourself to exercise and be mindful of what you eat. You don't need to do anything too extreme beyond just changing your lifestyle.

    It won't happen instantly either. In fact it might be a while before you see the scale move but if you make changes, your body will have to change before it loses.