• LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    there is something uniquely vile that republican RNC black people using race as cudgel against black people. I know some real black republicans (many in my extended family) and all of them, ALL OF THEM, see their success as solely a result of their own ability. All of them believe there is a weakness in the soul of black people that must be defeated or those who bear should be punished for it. It’s really just the most jacked up internalized white supremacy.

    As such they believe they overcame so other should be able to as well, not have those obstacles removed. It’s really frustrating when Owens and Owens-like figure speak like this. It’s bad to black people in general, racist to Korean people specifically, and show a blatant and intentional misunderstanding the causes of social outcomes. These people can see disparities but are totally incapable of wanting the systems to change only the people.

    They are smart enough to acknowledge things could be better but believe things must stay as they are and black peoples should be better. Pull up your pants, stop listening to rap music, sandblast everything about yourself that doesn’t fit into our Very rigid sense of “success”. Don’t change your conditions or the systems that create them.

    I hate the black RNC republican archetype because so much of their critique of black peoples is so interwoven with capitalism, American Christianity, and real white supremacy they don’t even see it. Its really individualism on turbo overdrive with a shot of raw hatred coated in pseudo-intellectualism.

    • opsecisgay [they/them]
      1 year ago

      all of them, ALL OF THEM, see their success as solely a result of their own ability. All of them believe there is a weakness in the soul of black people that must be defeated or those who bear should be punished for it. It’s really just the most jacked up internalized white supremacy.

      The bougie black libs I know also believe this lol

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Oh for sure! 100% they believe this too. the black liberals use fancy words and lofty ideas but it’s the same sort of toxic mindset.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      1 year ago

      As such they believe they overcame so other should be able to as well, not have those obstacles removed.

      Morgan Freeman likes to say this explicitly

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, my big brain take that I've been preaching for a while now is that there are two kinds of people: 1) Life has been hard for me; I don't want anyone else to suffer like that, and 2) Life has been hard for me; why should anyone else have it better than me?

    • MaoistLandlord [he/him]
      1 year ago

      There’s a black jazz musician who “befriended” Klan members and “changed their minds.” Centrists and conservatives :same-picture: like citing him as evidence of why you shouldn’t censor free speech or prosecute people for hate crimes and simply instead talk them out of wanting to kill you, cause it’s your personal responsibility!!!