no further elaboration required

riding mower users please report for reeducation

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      5 months ago

      According to half the people here that is the MOST reactionary thing.

      (Unless you're doing it to tell everyone how reactionary it is)

        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
          5 months ago

          It is funny how many people there are here are like "I despise this niche, small, online community and everyone in it! Which is why I actively participate in it FAR more than the average user!"

          I mean it's not a lot but it's more than I'd expect.

          • ashinadash [she/her]
            5 months ago

            You do hate to see it, ngl. It's like League of Legends players who hate the game I guess. I kinda get it if the niche, small, online community is the only discussion space for a thing, but still...

            • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
              5 months ago

              I kinda get it if the niche, small, online community is the only discussion space for a thing, but still...

              We are kinda the only ML online space that doesn't have a bunch of weird PatSoc social regressives bumbling around, that I know of at least shrug-outta-hecks

              • memory_adept [he/him]
                5 months ago

                the only ML online space that doesn't have a bunch of weird PatSoc social regressives bumbling around

                I mean I have noticed a different vibe on here seeing the posts in Lemmy /r/all so I agree with some of the earlier posts in this thread, but I've had it with people comparing everything to a Twitch stream/yt/discord complex with like 400 viewers. Post your list of "all the online spaces". I demand the list.

                • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                  5 months ago

                  I maybe should have said "forum" specifically.

                  Pretty much every other ML or Maoist forum I ever participated in either got banned or a bunch of weirdos who were really more just nationalists for countries that are/were socialist showed up and started posting all the time about how Furries should be sent to a gulag and other weird shit. But then again I don't leave Hex much these days so maybe things have changed

                  • memory_adept [he/him]
                    5 months ago

                    Can you just tell me what you're talking about so I can go look it up at least and figure out what is even going on in there

                    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                      5 months ago

                      This was years ago and mostly on Reddit subs I'm pretty sure are all banned now so I don't really have anything for you shrug-outta-hecks

                      Edit: Pretty sure all these people moved to Twitter now, just look for anyone with a Mao avatar but who also uses the word "d*generate" unironically.

                      • memory_adept [he/him]
                        5 months ago

                        Also, if you're just a pseud who interprets most forms of serious anti-imperialism as "nationalism" then you deserve being stranded on Hexbear. You are in the best company for coping with the new reality in a declining imperium. It's been funny watching people who are inches away from "neutrality" over Ukraine because they think the US is kinder to gay people than Russia absorb anti-imperialism by osmosis and catch up, despte being infatuated with dozens of theorists who spent their life muddying the waters around the question of whether imperial core workers should support anti-imperialism. Because only two or three of them bothered to deal with Debord and Baudrillard and Adorno and Deleuze and all of that fucking paper maché fodder

                        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                          5 months ago

                          Lol I don't really get how you're getting all this from a comment about how some English speaking ML spaces attract weirdos who hate furries.

                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                            5 months ago

                            that would be your statement here:

                            Pretty much every other ML or Maoist forum I ever participated in either got banned or a bunch of weirdos who were really more just nationalists for countries that are/were socialist showed up and started posting all the time about how Furries should be sent to a gulag and other weird shit.

                            • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                              5 months ago

                              Could have worded that better but I was arguing they were more into the nationalism part than the socialism part. Regardless the weird fixation in shit like furries is more what I take issue with.

                              • memory_adept [he/him]
                                5 months ago

                                Pure nationalism is also plenty concerning but the rejection of nationalism by leftists who claim to support Palestine is so fucking funny and sad to me

                                • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                                  5 months ago

                                  I'm pro-anti-colonial nationalism. But if you're a socialist you should also be an internationalist.

                                  • memory_adept [he/him]
                                    5 months ago

                                    let me form a plurinational socialist state, will come back and quiz you on support for them, be right back i need to secure arms and personnel just one seconnnnnd

                                              • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                5 months ago

                                                I just never saw any of their actual beliefs I was just replying to someone on Hexbear in Lemmy all comments who seemed eccentric, and then everyone in here was like "black mold futures black mold futures!" they were named Privatized Star at that point

                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                            5 months ago

                            furries have a tendency to try to act like some kind of repressed minority they're gonna get themselves added to the pride flag, just like Ukraine

                              • memory_adept [he/him]
                                5 months ago

                                Do you think Ukraine and/or furries belong on the pride flag or that they are attempting to hijack the achievements of gay rights activists? Bondage fetishists do this too

                                • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                                  5 months ago

                                  Ukraine def doesn't.

                                  I'm not LGBTQ myself so I'd rather not opine on whether their community thinks furries and bdsm folk should be included in their community at all but I'd say most queer people I know wouldn't give a fuck if and when they show up at a pride parade.

                                      • memory_adept [he/him]
                                        5 months ago

                                        I welcome it, since I love sucking cock and I already have been banned from numerous places for announcing that Pride is like Zionism but with being gay instead of Jewish at this point, and that will completely alienate people. Hell, add "sex workers" to the flag, they already started to use the term for trafficked children being raped, in various UN organizations. "MAGA communists" have never read Alexandra Kollontai, they instead call strippers petit boug lol. Like they own the pole in the club! Dumb motherfuckers!

                                        Fact is anybody who sides with NATO over Russia is also siding with the ability of western financiers to fund anti-gay pogroms in Burundi. It isn't about hypocrisy. Weaponizing social conservatism is an important part of keeping the undeveloped countries within the price range of the imperialists.

                                        I don't give a fuck about Pride since it's a cargo cult built around the actual accomplishments of activists, and serves to turn gay people (etcetera lol) into standard bearers for the democrats. You don't give a fuck about pride because you're heterosexual. We are not the same. :gus_fring:

                                        • ashinadash [she/her]
                                          5 months ago

                                          Oh so this is like a Pride Denied thing, okay! Phew, for a second I thought this was something really fucking weird.

                                          Not that the antifurry, antikink shit isn't really fucking weird

                                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                                            5 months ago

                                            do you think furries or BDSM enjoyers are 1.) minority groups in need of a caucus in a communist party 2.) in need of a pride flag stripe

                                            because if not we probably both have a shared apprecation for them on the same level

                                            they're no Uyghurs

                                              • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                5 months ago

                                                i literally have a lot of friends who are into kink or furry shit IRL i would just immediately smack them if they started talking to me about being a political minority that's all. i'm just pretty particular and i get why sometimes explaining this wrong gets a sussy eyebrow

                                            • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                                              5 months ago

                                              furries or BDSM enjoyers are 1.) minority groups in need of a caucus in a communist party

                                              Yes a thing many people have actually advocated for.

                                              • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                5 months ago

                                                if you're not fucking with me, i'm not joking when i say that is less coherent than what the khmer rouge believed about class being determined by one's ideals

                                                • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                                                  5 months ago

                                                  I don't think kinky people are a sexual minority group the same way gay or lesbian people are.

                                                  However it is stigmatized in our puritanical society to the point it can result in hateful behavior. For example there have been cases of couples into bdsm with kids having CPS called on them. So I get why some people see it as adjacent to LGBT struggles since both have a common social conservative antagonist.

                                                  • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                    5 months ago

                                                    I mean yeah I think we are in agreement that people think everything right wingers hate is the best thing ever and needs to be the center of their political program

                                                    However I regret to inform you the right also loves bondage (slavery themed relationships). Not furries though afaik

                                                      • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                        5 months ago

                                                        oh so by telling people who enjoy slavery themed relationships that they can't be on the pride flag because they put it on their facebook profile (instead of treating it like good honest fun) and that sexuality and race is different from sexual proclivities, i am "policing them". see my issue with furries and bdsm people now? they verge on homophobia

                                                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                            5 months ago

                                                            you don't have any obligation to respond to me btw, i am taking my uncle to the doctor's office (I AM SO FUCKING BORED AHHDKNSSNJAAHBAHSGABSHS). he has some difficulties

                                                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                                                            5 months ago

                                                            no I just wanted to be clear I am not policing anyone's relationships I just think I have a lot of work to do myself when it comes to explaining why gay people need a level of representation in politics along with racial minorities and women rather than just listing off my annoyances with people disregarding it because they see a new outlet for their whole lifestyle

                                                            being gay is not a lifestyle, it's a sexuality

                                                            i could back this up by listing off all the people i know who view bdsm as a safe environment to express their most abusive, sexist, and classist tendencies, but i'll stick to saying "i am familiar with the community" and i like to blindfold people 😄 it's not about demonizing anyone i see as a pervert

                                                            i'd give way more shit to the maga communists you mentioned and btw they are paranoid about banning SPECIFICALLY me lolol

                      • memory_adept [he/him]
                        5 months ago

                        Okay, I guess it just sounded like you were talking about something other than the usual crap for a second. So you're still within a subset of a subset of western internet users then. Just kind of annoyed since I'm in like, group chats for the MST in Brazil and all sorts of things and you're lumping those people in with people who are basically a fandom for various political content creators (harmless but annoying) and other more distressing entities which range from book clubs to like organized crime (Black Hammer)

                        I guess that fits my general idea of the kind of person who ends up here. Burned out on Reddit and various other chatrooms which have a single redeeming quality in hating some facets of imperialism, even if they don't understand it.

                        This site is really a congregation of smug people who trip over psyops until they get burned out and start advising people on the lay of the land when they never left their own backyard

                        • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                          5 months ago

                          Well I don't speak Portuguese so idk what goes on in Brazilian left online spaces, this is all anglo world shit I'm talking about. English speaking internet political spaces just tend to bring out the weirdest assholes in whatever demo they're catering to. Idk why exactly but this space seems a bit resilient to it but then again we do get the occasional BMF types.

                          Online shit is pointless anyway, this is just a place for shit posting and getting news, no valuable organizing happens here, or Reddit, or Twitter.

                          • memory_adept [he/him]
                            5 months ago

                            Soon with the quality of translation software, those language barriers will matter less. Mainstream socials and FOSS clones are really good about it now.