I gained a bunch of weight over the last few years and was like 20lbs overweight, now I'm at the high end or a little over for my height, and still have fat around my midsection. I quit drinking for the most part, and my diet is pretty good right now since getting on anti-depressants and not snacking all night.
I'd like to get some muscles, but I hate gyms. I've been doing calisthenics indoors a few times a week. I also have some dumbells, and will jog or hike 2 or 3 times a week.
Should I think about getting more weights or just stick with this routine for now?
You can expect a lot. I have been doing basically the same 6 exercises for like 2 years now. I only work out for about 40 mins to an hour in my room with a pullup bar. I have gymnastics rings on the pullup bar.
Do pull ups until they're too easy, then once they're too easy (as in you can do 3-5 sets of 8 perfect form chest to bar pull-ups), simply add some external weight to the process. Do inverted rows as well. When they get easy, elevate them, when that gets easy, simply add weight.
Do dips - start just on the side of a chair, progress to doing ring dips, when ring dips get easy.... You guessed it. Add weight. (Some people prefer to add weight to regular non-ring dips, which is totally fine. I just like the way ring dips feel more) Do pushups - perfect the form... Then move to ring pushups. Then elevate the ring pushups... then add weight.
These 4 exercises and their variations will keep the upper body gains coming fast for a very long time (with the correct diet).
In terms of legs I guess I have a preference for actual gym machines. I used to do squat progressions all the way up to pistol squats, but I just hated them. I switched it out for Bulgarian split squats with more and more weight, which I found more effective. For more glute/hamstring based stuff, bodyweight exercises do exist and can get you far, but I find them far too awkward. I just suck it up and hit the actual gym for legs nowadays.
Some people said do abs. Do em if you don't find them miserable. I find them boring so I just don't do them. Keeping my core engaged during the other exercises (especially elevated rows and pushups) is enough for me. Yeah, I don't have a six pack, but I still have a strong core.