I thought it was gonna be easy to write, but there was just so much to cover.

We cover the basics of nutrition (especially nutrients and healthy eating), weight loss, weight gain, and getting into fitness. I have two workout routines I recommend and detail in this guide. I also make recommendations for my trans comrades who might be scared of getting too buff as chuds are too fragile to touch this topic and information is sorely lacking, so someone has to step up (done to the best of my knowledge as a cis person mind you).

And this shit is all free, what the fuck am I even doing. Anyway, enjoy it.

  • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    In the guide, I actually define fitness as "any goal you have for your physical body" as it encompasses a whole range of states and compositions. While my sport of choice is bodybuilding, the guide is also general enough that it can help anyone no matter their fitness goal or current level (the nutrition part especially).

    I also wanted to add some information on cardio and callisthenics (body weight exercises) in the guide, but their sections are comparatively empty because they are not exercises I train, and I don't want to advise people on something I haven't tried myself.

    For people that want physical conditioning but not to the state of a bodybuilder, I would suggest joining a sports club and participating 3-4 times a week. It can be MMA, basketball... anything that has a social component and makes you train your entire body. Naturally over the years one will develop a healthy and toned physique.