The scene opens with Raylan Givens and his team in Florida, staking out a luxurious yacht believed to be owned by notorious drug lord Donald Trump. Raylan is sitting in his car, monitoring the yacht with binoculars, when he notices a group of armed men on the dock, wearing Florida State Guard uniforms.

Raylan Givens: "What the hell? Looks like we have some unexpected company."

Tim Gutterson: "What do we do now, Raylan?"

Raylan Givens: "Let's just observe for a moment and see what they're up to."

As they watch, the armed men begin boarding the yacht, carrying large duffel bags. Raylan and his team know they have to act fast before Trump can escape. They make their move, quickly approaching the yacht with guns drawn.

Raylan Givens: "Freeze! Federal agents!"

The armed men turn to face Raylan and his team, raising their guns in response.

Ron DeSantis (over megaphone): "This is Governor DeSantis speaking. What's the meaning of this, Agent Givens?"

Raylan Givens: "We have a warrant for the arrest of Donald Trump, Governor. We're here to bring him to justice."

Ron DeSantis: "You ain't taking him nowhere, Agent. We're here to protect our citizens and uphold the law. You have no business here."

Raylan Givens: "Governor, we have reason to believe that Trump is on that yacht, and we cannot let him escape justice."

Ron DeSantis: "Well, I'm sorry, but I can't just let you waltz in here and take a private citizen into custody. You don't have the authority."

As they speak, the armed men on the yacht continue to aim their guns at Raylan and his team. Suddenly, there's a loud noise, and one of the armed men falls to the ground, dead.

Raylan Givens: "What the hell? Who the hell fired that shot?"

Tim Gutterson: "I saw a sniper up there on that building. I think I can take him out."

Raylan Givens: "Be careful, Tim. Don't get yourself killed."

As the situation escalates, Raylan and his team exchange gunfire with the state guard, trying to gain some ground. Meanwhile, Tim crawls behind some crates, trying to get a better angle on the sniper.

Finally, Tim manages to get a shot off, taking out the sniper. The gunfire dies down, and Raylan and his team move in to apprehend Trump. They find him hiding in a small room on the yacht, surrounded by drugs and weapons.

Raylan Givens: "You're under arrest, Trump. You're going to pay for what you've done."

Trump: "What's the big deal? I ain't done nothing wrong. I'm a successful businessman, and I've always played by the rules."

Raylan Givens: "You've been trafficking drugs and weapons across state lines, Trump. You're going to face the consequences."

Trump: "This is a witch hunt, a total hoax. I've never seen such a biased investigation in my life. You're just trying to take down a successful businessman because you're jealous of my success."

As Raylan and his team lead Trump away in handcuffs, he knows that they've just taken down one of the biggest drug lords in the country. But he also knows that there will always be more out there, waiting to take his place. The war on drugs is never over

  • fart_the_peehole [he/him,any]
    1 year ago

    write an episode of Justified where Raylan is sent to arrest Donald Trump in Florida but is foiled by gunslinging Ron DeSantis and his Florida State Guard. write it in the style of quentin tarantino

    FADE IN:


    Raylan Givens receives a call from his superior.

    RAYLAN: (answering phone) Givens.

    SUPERIOR: (on phone) Givens, I got a job for you. We need you to head down to Florida and bring in Donald Trump for prosecution in New York.

    RAYLAN: (sighs) Don't tell me, the Governor's gonna make it difficult?

    SUPERIOR: (on phone) You got it. Ron DeSantis and his State Guard are already on high alert. But you know what to do, Raylan.

    RAYLAN: Yeah, I know. I'll be on my way.

    CUT TO:


    Raylan arrives in Florida, dressed in his signature cowboy hat and boots. He heads to the beach where he knows Trump is hiding out on Jeffrey Epstein's private island.

    Raylan walks towards the water and sees a group of armed men on jet skis heading towards him. It's Ron DeSantis and his Florida State Guard.

    RON DESANTIS: (yelling from jet ski) Hold it right there, Givens!

    RAYLAN: (not backing down) What's the matter, Ron? Afraid I'll take down your buddy Trump?

    RON DESANTIS: (laughing) You ain't taking down nobody, Givens. Now get the hell outta here before we make you.

    Raylan stands his ground as the State Guard surrounds him, guns drawn. Suddenly, one of the jet skis explodes and crashes into the water.

    RAYLAN: (surprised) What the hell was that?!

    A group of bikini-clad women emerge from the water, wielding machine guns.

    BIKINI GIRL: (smiling) Hey there, cowboy. Need a little help?

    RAYLAN: (smirks) Well, well, well. Looks like I got myself some backup.

    The State Guard opens fire on the women, but they're too quick for them. Raylan and the bikini girls return fire, taking down several State Guard members.

    As the dust settles, Raylan approaches DeSantis, who is bleeding on the beach.

    RAYLAN: (aiming gun at DeSantis) You're under arrest, Ron.

    RON DESANTIS: (smiling) You think I'm the only one who's got your number, Givens? You just signed your own death warrant.

    Suddenly, a group of black SUVs pull up on the beach, and out steps a man in a suit.

    MAN IN SUIT: (smiling) Hello, Raylan. My name is Michael Cohen.

    RAYLAN: (surprised) Cohen? What the hell are you doing here?

    MICHAEL COHEN: (chuckles) Let's just say I owe you one.

    Cohen hands Raylan a set of keys and points to one of the SUVs.

    MICHAEL COHEN: (smiling) That's your ride out of here. Now go get 'em, cowboy.

    Raylan jumps in the SUV and speeds towards Epstein's private island, ready to take down Trump once and for all.