My slop bucket is empty and I need new things to drown out my thoughts with, post the shows you listen to!

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]M
    1 year ago

    This Is Revolution - A regular communist news/history/philosophy show which isn't run by crackers

    TrashFuture - Chapo Trap House, but British. Critical tech, but silly.

    Minion Death Cult - Showcasing the best of boomer Facebook. If c/the_dunk_tank were a podcast.

    Qanon Anonymous - What are the cranks up to?

    Work Stoppage - Labor news

    This Machine Kills - The preeminent critical tech, Marxist-Luddist podcast. Groundbreaking stuff.

    The Red Nation Podcast - Indigenous affairs, with many Marxist hosts.

    Beep Beep Lettuce - Stoner Communism

    Pod Damn America - "A gothic socialist podcast for the stupid children"

    TrueAnon - 👁️

    The Deprogram - A Texan, a Balkanoid, and an Iraqi walk into a bar

    5-4 - "Why the Supreme Court Sucks" - somewhat lib, but good analysis of US federal jurisprudence and dunking on judges

    Guerilla History - If you like Revolutionary Left Radio, Breht is on here too

    Revolutionary Left Radio - Breht Oshey is a solid dude

    Tech Won't Save Us - Critical tech, hosted by Paris Marx

    Working People - the most wholesome labor program in existence, hosted by Maximilian Alvarez

    Srsly Wrong - libertarian / utopian communist comedy

    The Antifada - The leftcoms make some very good points and rarely miss

    Trillbilly Worker's Party - Appalachian communist comedy podcast

    Radio War Nerd - A smorgasbord of military history and current events with relatively few brainworms

    Citations Needed - :citations-needed:

    General Intellect Unit - Critical tech

    Red Menace - Cliff-notes for foundational revolutionary texts. Very good.

    ALAB Series - The best legal podcast, very intermittent though

    If you are looking for something to listen to right now, I recommend Year Zero: The Thousand Year Stare - A crossover episode between Trillbilly Workers Party and The Antifada in which Sean and Terrance discuss Giovanni Arrighi's "The Long Twentieth Century" for two hours. This obscure podcast episode caused interest in the book to spike, used prices to soar, and ultimately resulted in a new printing run from Verso.

    • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
      1 year ago

      ALAB Series - The best legal podcast, very intermittent though

      We just gotta take turns suing them into releasing new episodes.