Waking up? Inertia. Takes five alarms.
Getting up from bed? Inertia. Takes half an hour.
Making the bed? Inertia. 2 days out of 7.
And on and on it goes.
How do I become one of them “up and at em” types? A real go getter bucko?
Waking up? Inertia. Takes five alarms.
Getting up from bed? Inertia. Takes half an hour.
Making the bed? Inertia. 2 days out of 7.
And on and on it goes.
How do I become one of them “up and at em” types? A real go getter bucko?
what kind of medication, if you don't mind?
the stimulants i've been on just spike anxiety for me
A -very controlled- combination of SNRIs and anti-depressant focused benzos. The SNRIs break the despondence and lack of energy of being clinically depressed, and the benzos help me deal with the anxiety-induced "paralysis by analysis" sort of feeling. I still kind of struggle keeping the house clean and so on, but at least i have more energy, and manage to do more than before.