• Muehe@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    Well yeah, there is no beating 1 & 2, but it still holds up IMHO. Huge world with no loading screen in sight, passable story and side-quests. But what was really great about that game was the music. Combat was meh though, still a Gothic game after all.

      • Muehe@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        I take it you didn't play ranged weapons then. :D They tried to modernise the combat and kind of made it worse, except ranged combat though. Free aim was just a lot better than target locking in earlier games. But melee in 3 wasn't really fun. That said, huge battles generally worked better in 3 and there were a lot more of them with a lot more NPCs involved, so that was kinda cool. Magic was also a bit more fun. But yeah, the game was overly ambitious in many ways and that hurt it a lot, even if you *disregard the clusterfuck of a release and its aftermath...