If the libs get a 4-3 majority on the supreme court, we could go the way of Michigan in just a few years (claw our way out of several circles of hell). Wisconsin could go back to having basic liberal democracy and potentially flip the federal Congress.

And we could likely get rid of right to work laws here.

Right now the state is about 52% blue, but Republicans have nearly double the representation in the legislature, and triple the federal representation. Absolutely wild.


EDIT: Good job you two the chuds ate shit tonight, it's called for Protasiewicz by a country mile

  • Theblarglereflargle [any]
    1 year ago

    Michigan passed sensible gun reform that will require cops to remove guns from homocide/abuse risk individuals or loose their job, expanded the civil rights act to include LGBTQA, repealed the abortion ban, and ended right to work ALL ON THE SAME FUCKING DAY

    Also remember the Midwest was the stronghold for socialism in this country before the direct interference to destroy it. The ideas are popular there and the people are willing.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      1 year ago



