If the libs get a 4-3 majority on the supreme court, we could go the way of Michigan in just a few years (claw our way out of several circles of hell). Wisconsin could go back to having basic liberal democracy and potentially flip the federal Congress.

And we could likely get rid of right to work laws here.

Right now the state is about 52% blue, but Republicans have nearly double the representation in the legislature, and triple the federal representation. Absolutely wild.


EDIT: Good job you two the chuds ate shit tonight, it's called for Protasiewicz by a country mile

  • SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Yes the third is an obvious no (also yeah the first two are nos), but luckily it's also non-binding, it does nothing.

    I believe the point of putting it on there was to run stupid fucking ads with a middle aged fat guy chuckling at how stupid voters are for paying for him not to work while he sits and home watching the teevee. This is a desperate gambit to bring out frothy right wingers in the face of electoral loss after loss in nearly every election that can't be gerrymandered.

    It does not say anywhere in the ad or even on the ballot that this is just a poll slapped on the ballot. Intentionally making them think theyre stripping the poors of more resources.

    • captcha [any]
      1 year ago

      They had print outs taped to the wall outside my polling place trying to describe what they would actually do. The first two did little to help.