• Blizzard@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    Thie is a 'must read' article and should be trending tonreach as many people as possible.

  • t7tis@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Basically all service providers in the EU will be forced to change their terms of service that all users will have to agree to in order to continue using the service. You will simply get an "updated terms service" notification with a link and one big "OK" button and nothing else. If you follow the link to the terms of service, somewhere deep down (like page 276 of 389) it will says "I agree to be monitored". You now have the choice to uninstall the app or to click "OK". It's basically everything. Obviously Google, Outlook, Yahoo etc and all the Chat apps (Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp) etc. So "Consent" is not really optional if you want to use any internet service, they can just pretend that it is so that can go on an uncontrolled unwarranted spying rampage against everyone and of course for everything.

  • themurphy@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    This is a proposal right? Not something that's actually in place.

    This happens every few years, and they also happen close to elections.

    I'm not saying that this isn't dangerous, but these people send these proposals because they use it for their election campaign. They look like they want change, and they then blame too many votes on "not themselves" that it didn't pass.

    I'm no so scared that this goes through, anyway.

    • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Hummm, does TTIP and CETA rings a bell? If not, let's just say that during the covid pendamic the EU parliments signed CETA behind ours backs allowing transporting good between canada and EU. Sure TTIP itself was not signed (yeahhhi thats a win... Or not?)

      But that doesn't matter because the only thing they wanted was a trade deal with the American continent It's TTIP with extra steps...

      So right now we will propably have meat and vegetables full of GMO's, pesticides, and meat fully loaded with antibiotics, vaccines...

      So If I where you I wouldn't count to much on

      "They look like they want change, and they then blame too many votes on "not themselves" that it didn't pass."

      They wan't changes when it benefits them and their agenda ^^.

      • themurphy@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        I see your point in everything you say, but GMOs are not dangerous at all and makes crops use less water, makes them more nutritious, more resistant to pests (which means you don't need pesticides as much) and can even be used to let rice be richer in vitamin D, which is essential for some places in Asia.

        Go after all the other things, no problem. But stop eating the GMO propaganda. Eat the GMO products instead.

        • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
          4 months ago

          That's not the point, eat what ever you think is good for you. We are not going into arguments that's out of context. That was just an example out of my memory on how they pass things without our consent or when they see any benefit for their own agenda not for the common good. (Still personal opinion, think whatever you want)

          But whatever... I'm just a random on the net 🤷

          • themurphy@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            I know it's not the point, and I don't really disagree to it either. You're right that they do have malicious intentions. I just swept it away, because they will be outnumbered. But it's still concerning and you are right to point it out.

            • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
              4 months ago



              I shoud have left that part out:

              So right now we will propably have meat and vegetables full of GMO's, pesticides, and meat fully loaded with antibiotics, vaccines...

              That's was maybe a too personal opinion were the conversation can easily get heated quickly (where ever your stand is on that subject) and is out of the scope of the actual post !

              So sorry about that :/.

  • cyberwolfie@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    If this passes, could you not self-host an older version of an open source service that does not contain the backdoor (e.g. Matrix) for your closests contacts to circumvent this? Not saying that would be very practical for all communications, but at least for exchanging nudes with your partner? If so, at least there's that, but it would show how useless it is likely to be as anyone actually in the stated target audience could do the same.

    Or is there something I'm missing that would prevent it?

      • cyberwolfie@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        It is assuming this is implemented in a way that forces all existing messaging services to implement this or shut down. In that case, you would want to build it from source from a point in time before it was implemented (or shut down). If that is not the case, then this wouldn't be much of a problem to begin with, right?

        • EngineerGaming@feddit.nl
          4 months ago

          I mean, running outdated software is bad practice. Do you think backdoors would have to be cleverly hidden every time, like what we almost got with XZ? If it is in plain sight, I highly doubt a person outside of the oppressed jurisdictions (or just someone anonymous) wouldn't make a malware-removing fork.