I don't understand the mentality behind being a fucking Zionist and a self-proclaimed ethical vegan, but...


This is not an invalid sentiment. Obviously, animal rights and animal liberation matters, yes, and humans are animals. Humans are animals, and if I am to reject the notion that animals must suffer, it shouldn't be too shocking that I reject the notion that humans must suffer as well. There is a lot of victim complex shit going on here, with the usual "anti-Zionists are anti-Semitic" kind of takes, but this is, obviously, deeply unserious.


"Criticizing a settler state is xenophobic because it entails a negative sentiment of a particular country. I am very smart." This is such an insufferable, simple-minded libshit mentality. Like all countries, Israel oppresses non-human animals, yes, no shit, but they're also in the process of committing a genocide towards many fucking innocent humans, including children as well. To not only refuse to take that genocide into consideration but justify it by hurling accusations of anti-Semitism at people who condemn it isn't fucking vegan. Full stop. Genocide isn't vegan, George.


The misunderstanding of history, rhetoric, and just this disturbing tendency to make outlandish false equivalences really is striking to me. Once again, I'm baffled. How do you grow to care so much about animal liberation that you make an Instagram account that staunchly advocates for it, but you don't even take a second to understand the bare minimum of information regarding the true nature of the disgusting human rights abuses at play here.


And... there goes the use of leftist causes like veganism to justify Islamophobia. We're checking a lot of boxes, aren't we?


Literal whataboutism. Yes, have the bot show up, but here we go with the Zionist tendency to pin things down on anti-Semitism due to a grossly simplistic thought process. Do they ever stop to think that such opposition to Zionism could be because of so many fucking other reasons besides this anti-Semitism scapegoat that they constantly latch onto? The need to grasp at straws this bad to say "Why don't you go to BLM protests and tell protestors to stop being carnists?" smuglord is highly indicative of missing the fucking point, but it seems that there hasn't been a single point for this bozo to understand. If the point were on a target that he were facing, he'd end up throwing the dart behind him. He's missing the points that bad.


"Regardless of your opinions," this awful person says while not knowing that his own particular Zionist views are fueling his distorted premise to begin with. This is such a horrid thing to even try to pull a "both sides," "appeal to moderation," or "find common ground" approach to.


"Personal political opinions..."


Good God, I hope it's not too wrong for me to wish for this man to choke on his tofu.

And yes, the comments were as bad as you'd think. Here is one thread of someone calling this shit out:


  • radiofreeval [any]
    1 month ago

    Nothing like the "if the thing was completely different it would be bad" logic

    • Angel [any]
      1 month ago

      You just like me fr

  • dat_math [they/them]
    1 month ago

    Angel, go on citations-needed and do a vegan-specific sequel to Of Meat and Men about "vegan" zionists

    • Angel [any]
      1 month ago

      If I did that, it'd be a long rant of me questioning if people know what the fuck they believe.

      If you understand what Zionism is and support it, you cannot, with consistent logic, hold ethical veganism to be worth supporting.

      If you understand what ethical veganism is and support it, you cannot, with consistent logic, hold Zionism to be worth supporting.

      Being a "vegan" Zionist entails badly misunderstanding veganism, badly misunderstanding Zionism, or some horrid combination of both.