
  • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
    1 year ago

    "why are these companies going out of their way to make a non meat product that looks tastes and smells like meat?"

    Because meat tastes good, dumbfuck. I'm not watching more than that thirty seconds. I simply do not care that fake meat is bad for me or a woke globalist plot to eat bugs or whatever these fluoride guys think. It allows me to find some kind of protein entree at 50% of the restaurants my friends go to when before it would have been 10%. The inability to eat at restaurants is the most difficult thing about not eating flesh, and easing this is probably leading more people to become vegan or vegetarian.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      1 year ago

      “why are these companies going out of their way to make a non meat product that looks tastes and smells like meat?”

      "Why are these video game companies going out of their way to make games that simulate killing but don't involve actually killing real people?"

    • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Aren't these guys diehard capitalists? Shouldn't they at least be aware of supply and demand? Some people want to go vegan, and demand better substitutes for meat, and meat substitutes have existed for centuries.

      Ganmodoki literally translates to pseudo-goose, and seiten was created by Buddhist monks as a meat alternative.

      • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Well you see, when black rifle coffee or the transphobic chocolate company pop up, that's the free hand of the market. But when M&Ms makes the green candy less sexy, they're caving to the liberal mob / (((big government))) trying to take my hamburger and combustion engine. Go woke, go broke.

        Ganmodoki looks nice, never had it.

    • Flyberius [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Oh my god, the number of mudd-butt carnists who repeat that phrase "I just don't see why they have to eat things that try to be meat. Why don't they just eat vegetables". It's the easiest thing in the world to disarm them. As you said "Because meat tastes good, I didn't stop eating it because I didn't like how it tastes, maybe if your brain wasn't starved of oxygen from all the beef-tallow clogging your arteries you'd be able to come to that conclusion yourself, you greasy-faced ham-dump".