unironically can't bring myself to hate her though because she was one of the people who made me start to see some of the cracks in capitalist realism

  • Nagarjuna [he/him]
    1 year ago

    That video was pretty clearly doing the western philosophy thing of "let's put the clearly wrong extremes in dialog to see if we can find truth." So she was making transmedicalist arguments as one character while also making strong-antiessentialist arguments as another character.

    Ever since that video she's done less character work and more saying exactly what she means into the camera.

    I think her work suffers for it because she's a better artist than philosopher. Like, if you let her explore something as theater and it's ambiguous theb it can be thought provoking and resonant even if her starting place was a tepid lib take.

    But when she's talking into a camera, then she just says things like "the problem with capitalism is it's symptoms" or "Biden is the lesser evil go vote for him" and she can't find anything that goes beyond her own mediocre takes.