• SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Diogenes was captured by pirates and sold into slavery, eventually settling in Corinth. There he passed his philosophy of Cynicism to Crates, who taught it to Zeno of Citium, who fashioned it into the school of Stoicism, one of the most enduring schools of Greek philosophy.

    No writings of Diogenes survive, but there are some details of his life from anecdotes (chreia), especially from Diogenes Laërtius' book Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers and some other sources. Diogenes made a virtue of poverty. He begged for a living and often slept in a large ceramic jar, or pithos, in the marketplace. He used his simple lifestyle and behavior to criticize the social values and institutions of what he saw as a corrupt, confused society. He had a reputation for sleeping and eating wherever he chose in a highly non-traditional fashion and took to toughening himself against nature. He declared himself a cosmopolitan and a citizen of the world rather than claiming allegiance to just one place.

    He modeled himself on the example of Heracles, believing that virtue was better revealed in action than in theory. He became notorious for his philosophical stunts, such as carrying a lamp during the day, claiming to be looking for a "man" (often rendered in English as "looking for an honest man"). He criticized Plato, disputed his interpretation of Socrates, and sabotaged his lectures, sometimes distracting listeners by bringing food and eating during the discussions. Diogenes was also noted for having mocked Alexander the Great, both in public and to his face when he visited Corinth in 336 BC.


    • Awoo [she/her]
      1 year ago

      sometimes distracting listeners by bringing food and eating during the discussions

      :amber-snacking: lmao

    • ElGosso [he/him]
      1 year ago

      He's a bit of an internet nerd hero these days but there are some great stories about Diogenes, the Alexander the Great one is hilarious. He was sunbathing when Alexander the Great met him, and Alexander asked him if he wanted anything at all from the most powerful man in the world - and Diogenes said "yes, to move out of the sun." Then when Alexander was leaving he said "if I had not been born Alexander, I would certainly hope to be Diogenes" and Diogenes said "I as well."

      The most famous one is definitely the time that Aristotle was trying to define a man and came up with "featherless biped" so the next day Diogenes showed up with a plucked chicken and let it loose in the forum and said "behold, a man!" So Aristotle changed it to "featherless biped with broad, flat nails."

      • booty [he/him]
        1 year ago

        So Aristotle changed it to “featherless biped with broad, flat nails.”

        hold up im gonna need a hammer, some nails, and that same plucked chicken