you got fucking kings, Torygg, Helseth, living gods of the Tribunal.... under an "Emperor"? who puts some garrisons around but does.... what exactly?

theres an "East Empire Trading Company"? whats that do?

it kinda seems like a holy roman empire, kinda seems like a regular roman empire. they've got knights, dukes, but a Legion...

yes i know the answer is technically "these jackoffs just made it up as they went" and don't care a lick about political theory but this is exactly the kind of excercise that makes fun speculative historiography

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Don't hundreds of years pass between games? I think that the Empire was a lot more coherent in the era of Morrowind, where the local authorities are allowed to exist but the Imperial garrison are clearly the real people in charge, but by the time of Skyrim they're losing wars and fighting amongst themselves and it may be a much more loose formation. Perhaps it started out as the Roman Empire but ended up as the HRE after many generations of the imperial bureaucracy stagnating and local warlords claiming more power and privileges for themselves.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Don’t hundreds of years pass between games?

      ES1, ES2, ES3, and ES4 all take place easily within a single human lifetime.