My max charger’s cable is damaged, but here’s the fun part: you can’t just replace the cable like you do with phone chargers. You have to replace the entire fuckignt thing. Cable and power brick. The brick is completely fine.

“NOOOOO you HAVE to replace everything because the wiring is specially created!!!!”

No fuck that shit. If they can do it with phone chargers they can do with laptop chargers. For fuck’s sake my thinkpad’s charger from a decade ago is modular and you can detach the charging cable from the brick. Also I can wrap my thinkpad charger up nicely and safely but apple bitch ass wants to be special and have the fucking cable insert stick out so it’ll easily bend and get damaged when you put it in a backpack

Fuck Apple. Fuck Steve Jobs. I’d kill that motherfucker if they ever clone him

  • edge [he/him]
    1 year ago

    They make usbc to MagSafe cables but uhh… don’t do that. Seriously, it’ll only make you unhappier than buying a replacement power brick would have.

    Why? Mine has worked just fine.

    • xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      usbc receptacles tend to tear off their circuit boards when pulled a direction other than in or out (and be careful pushing the connector in!). that's precisely the inverse behavior you'd want on something that's likely gonna be on the floor getting tripped over and stepped on. now you've got a working cable but a broken ac/dc converter.

      there's also the little plastic tongue in there that's easy to mess up and just so happens to be where all the pins are.

      i'm speaking from experience repairing electronics. usbc ports are always getting messed up. all kinds of ports are always getting messed up but usbc has a bunch of ways it'll fail and isn't user repairable.

      the better solution is to put magsafe at both ends but that's expensive. cheaper but still more durable than usbc is a normal wire with a strain relief. i'm not just saying that as someone who repairs electronics but as a user of all kinds of computers including apple stuff and being decently hard on em.

      • edge [he/him]
        1 year ago

        That sound like a complaint about USB C not a MagSafe to usb cable specifically. The ship of USB C standardization has sailed though.

        But anyway, the MagSafe side would keep the USB C side relatively safe. If someone trips on it the MagSafe gets pulled out, relieving the USB C.

        • xXthrowawayXx [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          yeah it's better than usba to usbc for sure. i just wouldn't go seeking magsafe to usbc out when there's normal ones available, that was the point of my original comment.

          tripping wouldn't be my main concern with that situation either, it'd be getting stepped on or the old "leave it plugged up and coil it up".