• tails__miles_prower [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Nah, fuck that. Dismantle it entirely. It wasn't democratically elected by the people. And should be seen as the illegitimate power that it is.

    Also, we need to make a federal law that forbids changes to any policy (and the like) that has already been proven (and the majority agrees) is pointless and or out right malicious. I (personally) think it should be illegal to make any law that doesn't focus on entirely enriching the people. Along with that policy having to actually be tested within a year to prove it's worth before its voted on to pass .

    Pipe dream, I know, just let me dream that good things can happen.

    • Golgafrinchan [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      You mean like making a federal law making abortion legal? If only the Democrats had controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency. We all can dream...