We all know Ben and Jerry's, the ice cream brand with cutesy liberal names, but what about a chud Ben and Jerry's?

A few flavors right off the bat, feel free to contribute:

Make America Grape Again

A Small Cone of a Million Dollars

Blood and Soil (Cherry ice cream with chocolate dust in it)

Adolf Bits-ler (Vanilla with bits of candy in it or something)

Mousse-olini (Chocolate mousse gelato flavor)

Ronald Raegan flavor with jelly beans or something

A yet unnamed Ben Shapiro flavor with him on the container ala Ben and Jerry's "Americone Dream" with Stephen Colbert

Tucker Carlson flavor with only green M&Ms

It writes itself folks. There's just money sitting on the table, waiting for somebody to come take it.

  • daisy
    1 year ago

    Good thing human semen is vegan.

    • raven [he/him]
      1 year ago

      And i've been blending flax seeds with water and salt to make Vegan flum all this time :walter-breakdown: