• Vampire [any]
    4 months ago

    Story time!

    A doctor friend was telling me about a patient they had in who ate 1 destroying angel. Otherwise healthy person, involved in sport, early 30s. The patient was rushed to hospital, needed a liver transplant. A liver had to be brought in by helicopter. Then the liver transplant didn't even work coz the toxicity was too strong, they needed a second liver. They got... I forget the exact term but it could be necrotising cellulittis where the skin dies/necrotises so fast you can almost see it before your eyes. Unfortunately I forget how the story ends, did the person live or not.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I hope they survived but two consecutives liver transplants in a short period with necrosis sprinkled on top seems hard to survive