• Nakoichi [they/them]
    1 month ago

    I mean... Andrew Jackson, the founder of the "Democratic Party", was a genocidal warhawk maniac that signed the Indian Removal Act which was a edict to ethnically cleanse the Native American population and steal their land and killed waaay more people than Isntreal has. What made all those bigger stains wash off, but not this one?

    I knew this as a child. When I got to voting age I thought maybe Obama would close Guantanamo, so I voted for him. That is the only time I ever voted for a president. People can be wrong for thinking harm reduction is a valid choice.

    You just came in real hot with an account that has almost no history how is anyone supposed to know your intentions when you come in berating people for explaining how they learned they were wrong?

    • CCCP
      1 month ago

      Fair enough. I'm just interested in where people draw their lines on electoral participation. And yeah, I know that makes people pretty defensive.