I've noticed a lot of :morshupls: and :debatebro-l: from carnists going unmoderated in this community even after being reported and was wondering why. I decided to have a look at the list of mods to find out, and discovered the following:

  • @ella has not made a post or comment on Hexbear since December 2021.
  • @DashEightMate has not made a post or comment on Hexbear since May 2021.
  • @Dirtbag has never made a post or comment on Hexbear.
  • @Kanna posts or comments on a fairly regular basis - once a week or so - but this clearly isn't enough for the only active mod of this community.

If c/vegan is going to be in any sense useable as a place for vegans to discuss our ideas in a friendly environment, rather than yet another platform on which we must battle carnists at every turn, we're going to need some new blood on the mod team.

  • Dryad [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Couldn't disagree more. Let the carnists post their bullshit here and get banned, we'll end up banning a lot of reactionaries who would have gone unnoticed otherwise. Same principal which applies to any other comm on the site.

      • DictatrshipOfTheseus [comrade/them, any]
        1 year ago

        I completely agree with @Dryad. If you're a vegan, then I figure it's fairly safe to assume you think veganism is a positive thing and that it would likewise be generally a positive thing if more people became vegan (or at least examined their rationalizations for being carnists). If that is the case (and maybe it's not?) then wouldn't you want to advocate for veganism, especially on a leftist site where a lot of people are genuinely receptive to it? I'm not talking about evangelizing or that kind of shit, going into other comms and pressing the issue, but rather saying openly "hey, we're here, we're part of this community, we're committed and principled Marxists, and we have reasoned arguments for the importance of, maybe even necessity for veganism within any radical leftist movement." Sequestering us away from the rest of the community is the opposite of that. We shouldn't have to protect the delicate sensibilities of the meat eaters who are offended by our very presence, who are themselves a minority, albeit a loud and obnoxious one. Calling out that nonsense when they come into the vegan comm is a good thing for the health of the vegan community, the sanity of it members, and the whole site as a larger community.

        Hexbear and even the CTH sub before it were never about "being civil," (sorry @civility) but rather pointing out how detrimental the demand for civility actually is to left radicalism and progressive change in general. This community, though it of course has evolved in a lot of ways, never shied away from trolls coming in and doing wrecker shit. Point out their foolishness, point and laugh, give them PPB, and then ban them, done. That's what should happen with c/vegan too, it's just that the whole thing falls apart if there aren't enough active mods. ButtBidet's post would have made for a fun little discussion if a mod had been around to nip the wrecker stuff in the bud. To rephrase the same sentiment again... We shouldn't have to hide what we say in our own comm to appease the fragile sensibilities of a reactionary contingent of carnists that are still on this site.

        You mentioned earlier today that we should assume our comrades are well-intentioned, so I'm taking that advice and assuming you really do want what's best for the community; hexbear as a whole as well as the many vegans here. But trying to make veganism a separate, self-contained community in ways other comms aren't, hiding away whatever content comes from it so carnists don't get up in a tizzy, would I think be demonstrably harmful to both.

      • Dryad [she/her]
        1 year ago

        The reactionaries might outnumber us, but this isn't a democracy. This site is (theoretically, in the rules) aligned with animal liberation. Multiple users have caught site-wide bans already for being anti-vegan. I don't see any reason we should seek to reduce the number of reactionary anti-vegans that happens to. I don't want to "coexist" with them, I want them to show themselves and get banned.