I've noticed a lot of :morshupls: and :debatebro-l: from carnists going unmoderated in this community even after being reported and was wondering why. I decided to have a look at the list of mods to find out, and discovered the following:

  • @ella has not made a post or comment on Hexbear since December 2021.
  • @DashEightMate has not made a post or comment on Hexbear since May 2021.
  • @Dirtbag has never made a post or comment on Hexbear.
  • @Kanna posts or comments on a fairly regular basis - once a week or so - but this clearly isn't enough for the only active mod of this community.

If c/vegan is going to be in any sense useable as a place for vegans to discuss our ideas in a friendly environment, rather than yet another platform on which we must battle carnists at every turn, we're going to need some new blood on the mod team.

  • DictatrshipOfTheseus [comrade/them, any]
    1 year ago

    I just want to thank you BeamBrain for writing up this post. I was literally thinking about saying the exact same thing when I came on and saw you already had. After a number of things that happened today, it's been frustrating and disappointing to see how much of a problem hexbear still has with reactionary anti-veganism.

    I remember c/vegan being a pretty vibrant place a while back* and it would be nice to see that and be part of it again. But for that to happen there has to be a highly active mod team. From what I know of @Kanna, she's great, and she used to be very active and helped keep this place functional and healthy, and was active all over the site in general. But even if she were still as active as she used to be, that's a huge burden for one person (since the other three are essentially place holders at this point).

    Apologies for rambling, but I did feel pretty dejected about all that stuff earlier, so it makes me really happy to see this post and I hope that something comes of it.