okay I know this sounds ridiculous, I know Lamb of God hasn't written anything even remotely good or interesting in over 10 years; I know they're considered a "basic" or lowest common denominator radio-rock metal band and are culturally affiliated with white trash chuds and tactical gear, but some of Willie Adler's riffs are genuinely fucking genius.

I went back and listened to some of the riffs off Ashes of the Wake (and earlier albums, but mostly this one) and started paying particular attention to a riff that never stood out to me until recently... Hourglass. The intro is kind of middling, but after that...

Holy fucking shit. Pick up your guitar right now and try to write something that fucking good.

Is it possible?

I don't know man. I've been playing metal for a long ass fucking time and learning this riff was like opening a portal into a new dimension of songwriting. It dances between being gorgeously complex and ominous to perfectly simple... The groove, the hooks... the riffs... the sophistication is on par with bands like Death, in my opinion.

We're just talking about the riffs, btw -- this is to say nothing of Willie's guitar tone, which is some of the most beautifully articulated of any metal band I've ever heard. Listen to him play with his brother at that world drummers conference or whatever the fuck (popular youtube vid, idk maybe i'll link it later) and listen to how robust and wet that distortion sounds. It's god damn near perfect

The album Ashes of the Wake has explicit commentary on the Iraq War, too, which is pretty based considering their audience. The closing instrumental track is filled with sampled audio of a Marine talking about how the US government was indiscriminately killing civilians: "I honestly believe we're committing genocide out here; I don't believe in killing civilians and I'm not gonna kill civilians for the United States Marine Corps"

edit: nvm it's not just Hourglass, entire album just has some of the best metal riffs you will ever find, haters gonna hate :edgeworth-shrug: