• MF_COOM [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Being practical and practicable is besides the point. Solving the climate crisis is practical and practicable too.

    The point is to just say "hey you know what we should do is just take a toy of the richest in our society and redirect it to benefit everyone else" is to ignore the fact that that the reason the rich have this wasteful exclusionary toy is because they hold class power. Like yes obviously we should take all of their toys and redirect them for our benefit.

    I also disagree that proposals to transform communities for the better are not related to class struggle. To take back what is ours (the land the golf course is occupying) from the capitalists is in fact class struggle.

    Obviously it would be, but just saying how great it could be if you could just win a class struggle detached from actually organizing an atomized, disengaged and often reactionary working class is what I'm talking about being tired of.

    • wopazoo [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Being practical and practicable is besides the point. Solving the climate crisis is practical and practicable too.

      The point is to just say “hey you know what we should do is just take a toy of the richest in our society and redirect it to benefit everyone else” is to ignore the fact that that the reason the rich have this wasteful exclusionary toy is because they hold class power. Like yes obviously we should take all of their toys and redirect them for our benefit.

      Destroying golf courses and car dependency are necessary steps in solving the climate crisis. You are shitting on real movements that are transforming real cities today for the better.

      Apparently you think that engaging in class warfare under a bourgeois dictatorship is impossible. This is such an unspeakably wrong assumption that I am astounded. First of all, you should know that workers' unions and socialist movements have exacted victories from the capitalists under a bourgeois dictatorship. Class warfare is not automatically made impossible by the presence of a class dictatorship. It is possible for proletarians to engage in class warfare under a bourgeois dictatorship and vice versa (counterrevolutionary movements).

      Second of all, there are real examples of cities being transformed for the better under bourgeois dictatorships. In the capitalist Netherlands, there was a mass movement called Stop de Kindermoord (Stop the Child-Murder) which was an act of class warfare by proletarians to end capitalist-imposed car-dependency and unsafe road conditions. It was successful and the Netherlands as a whole is now known for walkable cities, with Amsterdam being the most famous. These victories are not limited to the Netherlands. All across the world, mass movements against capitalist-imposed car-dependency are underway and have transformed countless cities for the better, even in North America.

      All of these movements involved drawing plans and diagrams of proposed redesigning of neighborhoods. All of these movements involved giving the people hope for a better future. Even under a bourgeois dictatorship, class warfare is possible, and we can win battles. To say that it is otherwise is factually wrong. We can take back what is ours and crush the bourgeoisie. If you think otherwise, you are a defeatist and not a leftist.

      To answer your original comment, this literally is class warfare. Breaking the mind prison of capitalist realism is class warfare. You are engaging in capitalist realism with the added caveat of "but if we revolution tomorrow (idk how tho and i dont think we can) capitalism is over". Learn how to walk before trying to run.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      actually organizing an atomized, disengaged and often reactionary working class

      Trying to do that that without any "utopian shit" might work on a few contrarian nihilistic college students but it wouldn't be a winning message with anyone else.

      "Utopian shit" has made some of the richest right wing grifters in world history. :my-hero: :lord-bezos-amused: Why concede the field to them just to feel grounded and piously hopeless?