You won't be able to connect with your workers if you're playing Final Fantasy 1-15. You're basically an anprim fascist, really. And worst of all, you're kinda' weird. And stodgy.

I'm having so much equal power dynamicked sex because of this thing (equal except that I have a PS5 and they don't). Gunna' unionize my workplace by telling them they all will be able to afford PS5s if they do.

  • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
    1 year ago

    You know it's going to have a bad PC port. Also I've totally given up on modern PC gaming. Too expensive. Steam sucks. Denuvo/DRM sucks. Piracy gets harder all the time (missing updates/patches released like 2 years after release sometimes). Games are too fucking big. GPU are too expensive. Need to use like special launchers and research settings to get games to run OK. Windows updates break shit all the time and I haven't migrated to Linux on my main PC yet.