My QAnon-brained coworker is trying to convince me that Texas is joining BRICS and we're going to go back to the gold standard. Also this man is heavily invested in the Iraqi dinar currency. He obviously couldn't explain what any of that meant, so I'm coming to the one source I can trust; strangers on the internet. What the hell is gonna happen?
I love dinar guys for the same reason I love meme stock cargo cults. The whole thing falls apart if they ask a single question about the basic premise. Every Gamestop employee with stock options would become an overnight millionaire if the MOASS happened, every Iraqi would become one if the dinar revaluation happened. There isn't enough money involved for either. If they occurred, it'd immediately result in all of the Gamestop employees retiring en masse or the Iraqi economy imploding. That one hour bank rush to cash out before it all goes to shit would ruin whatever company tries to fulfill the sale.
But remember, commies are the ones who don't know basic economics.
You know, if there was ever a socialist in the white house, they could generate a lot of easy goodwill by recognizing old Dinars...