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  • Crow_de_Pluto [she/her]
    1 year ago

    i was working on this then moved to a bosonic M-theory in 27-dimensions but kept the kabbalah, distilling, in the process a lurianic neo-neo-platonism that accounts for the plutonic nature of malkuth

  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I see the discourse on theoretical physics has moved on to outright Evangelion posting :congratulations:

  • flan [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Madonna in a lab doing astronomy with a test tube

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Confused the post title as Kabbadi instead of Kaballah and wondered how indian dudes tackling each other while murmuring the sacred chant was the true meaning of the universe