where an impoverished young woman is trying to sell herself into slavery and the game presents the most ethical outcome as helping her negotiate a better contract for her indentured servitude?

Looking back those games were Fukuyama'd as shit, jfc

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    they never also never bring up the Rachni again regardless of the choice. It’s so odd to me from a “lore” perspective they say this race is like super important and no one seems to care if you kill her, and just vibes out of you free her. Seems really weird to never bring them up again across your multi-game adventures

    • Darth_Reagan [they/them, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      She is in ME3, and has a cameo/reference in ME2.

      In ME3 she will appear as clone if you killed her, and betray you if you give the mind controlled clone a second chance. If you saved her in ME1, she will assist you in the final battle if you save her from the Reaper's mind control device.

      In ME2 an Asari who is a member of her hivemind colony will approach you and thank you, in addition to updating you on her progress and informing you that she intends to assist you when the Reapers inevitably return.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I thought they showed up in ME3 as reaper'd enemies regardless of the choice you'd made?