Job hunting sucks. Got rejected for the one I was posting about after 3 interviews, but I did find a pet care company that needs a project manager. Had a screening call with them yesterday, hope to hear back soon!

Trying not to get too down or worry about things too much.

Whats some cool shit you have going on? Im hanging outside with the pup playing on my Retroid rn

  • ColonelKataffy [he/him]
    4 months ago

    nice to see you keeping your spirits up. job hunting was the most soul draining experience i've ever had. i hope one of these works out for you.

    i planted pumpkin, corn, and watermelon seeds last saturday. they've been on a heat pad, under a grow light, and the first sprouts have started popping up as of today. it's pretty exciting. got sunny spots in the yard planned out to plop the biodegradable planter pots into with lots of mulch, earthworm castings, kelp meal, etc ready to feed these beasts.

    • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
      4 months ago

      Hell yeah! I would love to have my own pumpkin patch, that sounds lovely! Keep us posted on how they come along!

      And yee much more into the pet care job anyways. It's still "tech" stuff since it's an IT project mgmt job, but like....I dunno if people on hexbear know this, but I like animals. Much more than SAAS systems. Just sucks having to wait more to see if that one pans out. I'm becoming food scarce and behind on bills, so kinda gotta get something going as soon as I can.