fuck baby steps

  • rubpoll [she/her]
    1 year ago

    shame works

    i know bad people use shame, they use it cus it works

    like it or not, it works

    so, hey, may as well use it for good (which, of course, everyone thinks they are, but vegans actually are correct).


    • rubpoll [she/her]
      1 year ago

      I understand and completely agree with every single argument for going vegan.

      And yet I have not.

      And I firmly think it's because I haven't been bullied hard enough into doing so.


          • Aryuproudomenowdaddy [comrade/them]
            1 year ago

            Like this is probably a hot take but treat it like an addictive habit you're trying to break, you might fall off the wagon a few times because there's a lot of brain worms and social pressures wrapped up with animal products, but you accept you fucked up and move on. If you're feeling tempted try to just remind yourself of the abuse that goes into it.

      • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
        1 year ago

        Literally why does anything you say or believe matter if it doesn't manifest into action or change. It's not like we're expecting you to burn down a police station or something, this is something with zero risk, no need to confront anyone or get in their face, it's 100% under your control, and it's easier than ever to do because there's more options and substitutes than ever before. If you know it's wrong, doesn't that weigh on your conscience? It's so much simpler to just do what you know is right than to spend all this time waffling and coming up with bullshit justifications. If your mental barriers to action are so strong that you can't do something this easy even when you know it right, then it is actually more important for you to push past those barriers because you need the fucking practice.

        Just stop eating animals and stop being a :LIB:

        I'm only being mean because you asked for it but I do mean everything I said