Pro tip: DemocracyNow! transcribes their episodes, so you can find it like this in Google: "the most important geopolitical threat facing the United States"
whatever that thing is. I have brightness low, night mode to avoid attracting bugs outside lmao
No it didn't surprise me, just interested what they referred to. Obviously the "pineal podcaster" isn't super interesting. I am well acquainted with Mate I have argued with him about basic JFK facts 😂
That being said you need to read The CIA As Organized crime and take the compatible left argument seriously. Wasn't invented by infrahaz or taibbi, you have no excuse
oh god forbid i correct mate with something from a book i've read about jfk, i must be T E R M I N A L L Y O N L I N E, i respond to a large majority of the things i look at online when i look, i just don't sit around trying to be a semipro milquetoast anti-imperialist media consumer all day
maybe you should try actually reading "the CIA as organized crime" instead of going with your manichean good and evil view of reporters
Like let me put it this way before work - I'm always tired and high and shit, trying to piece together what's been happening on the left in america since 9/11.
There's so many complete losers still lurking around being like "OH I GUESS NOTHING IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR ZOOMERS HUH???? HAVEN'T YOU BEEN OBSESSIVELY WATCHING DEMOCRACY NOW AND THE INTERCEPT AND ALL THE LASTEST PSYOPS FOR YEARS AND YEARS??!!!" - no I haven't that's why I'm not depressed and anxious. Ask yourself what the antiwar movement has to show for itself other than depression and anxiety. Protip: you can't.
yeah that's what I meant by the foreign policy realist take, exactly this kind of thing
okay "Venustum" it wasn't supposed to be affectionate, i don't have any problem with anyone either, i just try to adjust my tone to communicate efficiently in whatever online space im in
i need to condense these thoughts I have into a substack about Doug Valentine's books because it touches on a lot of stuff people on this website have experienced, so I don't have to make these comments over and over
I read lots of non-marxists and non-communists, like Adam Tooze
it's interesting to go back and look at how Valentine was able to actually get sources for his book and how different things are now - he calls out Hersh and others for stonewalling him HARDER THAN THE CIA because they had a relationship of patronage with them in exchange for information
one interesting point I've seen is the idea it's not even this strict kind of amplify/censor game (my adolescent privacy nerd conception of it) but fracturing reality on the left and making it impossible for anything other than socdemism to assert itself
idk if CIA is that organized and present of mind in everything they do
wouldn't it be kind of fucked up if they managed to squash the left here by accident?? there's great and horrible friction in the events caused by US covertly like we have secretly backed rebels that provide reason for CENTCOM to come in, but it's not unintentional
the phoenix program is interesting too because of how mad the author is that his writing about the organizational structure got turned into sensationalism about the death squads - not to diminish how horrible that is at all, in fact because My Lai got treated with undue emphasis it softly concealed how phoenix involved doing my lais 24/7 as a way of dealing with people out of range of finer wetwork & espionage & mccarthyism (to be very rough here sorry im powerwalking)
don't hold out on me I know you fuckers remember every show