[CW: Sarcastic comments about self harm]


I'm sorry? Does getting into debt so I can PAY FOR MY OWN TRAINING FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOT FUCKING COUNT? Of fucking course not.

Oh let me guess, all the extra things I need to do to "prove I'm worthy" to our almighty employers is all stuff that is near impossible for me as a permanently exhausted neurodivergent person with no money?

Will I guess it's my fault for being born poor and given a slew of traumas as a child. How dare I want to pursue something I'm interested in and good at? What a fair, free and just society! I guess I should just burn myself out completely for chump change or die quietly in the corner.

I'm tired of hearing about employers "Not wanting to risk training employees only to lose them" when hardly any employers even do real training anymore, and no one talks about the risk employees take into going into debt for a degree. Getting a degree is already hard as it is and I don't even know if I'll ever get a return on that, so why should I have to be a super human for an employer to even consider me? Where's their effort?

Oh right, because this is capitalism and employers have the power, not me.

  • red_stapler [he/him]
    29 days ago

    "How stupid are you for getting into debt, poors like you should stay in their lane and flip burgers forever"

    But you could go into the traaaades! I (Mike Rowe) know a kid who works as a welder living out of a van and he's going to be a millionaire (with a bad back and bad knees) by the time he's 35!
