Page 91 of democracy for the few, it's too bad the train isn't also shitting

    29 days ago

    This reminds me of a discussion I had with a guy years ago about Nestlé, boycotts and killing babies. He was saying that boycotting corporations were the best way of punished them, but I was trying to explain that for individuals killing a single baby is enough to get send to jail, but is hard to know how many babies a corporation can kill before someone go to jail for it.

  • mayo_cider [he/him]
    29 days ago

    I relieve myself upstream every time i see a bougie house built right next to a river

    29 days ago

    How do you know the car didn't already shit and is now just washing it down? Or that it shat earlier and is now getting its skidmarks? Hm? Checkmate, libs.