
  • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    27 days ago

    Maybe that guy who wanted a border wall in 2006 didn't change much?

    Maybe that guy who's waiving laws to keep building it doesn't care much?

    Maybe that guy who keeps raising ICE's deranged budget, encouraged cops to use COVID funds to hire more cops, who's on record saying and doing all kinds of racist shit doesn't like minorities much?

    I'm shocked. How could we predict Joe Biden would act exactly like Joe Biden has always acted?

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    27 days ago

    Good. I'm so sick and tired of migrants crossing 3,000 miles of dangerous terrain while ducking cartel death squads to come here to the usa to take a job I'd never work to begin with for pennies on the dollar with no health care or social security help only to be killed a couple years later at a walmart by a kid with an AK-47 that looks like the poljak meme.

  • Lester_Peterson [he/him]
    27 days ago

    nothing is sacred and everyone is expendable

    Except for Israeli genociders, who we must arm and maintain the most steadfast support for. Also if you ever say otherwise I'll turn into the most racist person in the world

  • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
    27 days ago

    Really looking forward to seeing the people who spend their single shot at sentience arguing that there are too differences between the parties on Twitter spin this one.

    • plinky [he/him]
      26 days ago

      Let’s see the ol dems wriggle their way out of this betrayal biden-point

      • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
        26 days ago

        The fun part is it seems like they won't have to because their supporters are just updating their thinking to make it a non-betrayal. From the r/politics thread:

        I thought this at first too, but actually I see where this is going.
        It's a deterrent against immigrant surges that can be caused by adversaries, like what Russia is doing in Eastern Europe.
        It snubs Republican talking points and Biden never has to use it.
        It handles the reality of climate change causing mass migration that we can't handle.

        That's right everyone, we may have been the main driver of climate change but it's time to wet bulb event the global south because we aren't prepared to handle (checks notes) sharing our resources

          26 days ago

          Why am I not surprised that they're slowly transplanting the anti-human "hybrid warfare" talking point onto the yank soil

          26 days ago

          Lmao, most western nations had to deal with way higher population growth in the past and managed relatively fine. Hell, I'm assuming that the "golden age" of capitalism (50s and 60s) had way higher population growth in the developed countries than today (even accounting for immigration). Haven't checked the data, but it would track with the demographic crunch in developed societies.

          The fact that there is so much fear of immigration is just proof that liberal capitalism has reached its developmental limits.

          Even worse is that America out of all the developed nations has an absurdly low population density. With the sheer amount of agricultural land and natural resources they have, they could support 100s of millions of more people if they were willing to use it effectively instead of wasting it on single family zoning, cars and livestock.

          • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
            26 days ago

            Even worse is that America out of all the developed nations has an absurdly low population density. With the sheer amount of agricultural land and natural resources they have, they could support 100s of millions of more people if they were willing to use it effectively instead of wasting it on single family zoning, cars and livestock.

            Even with our current wasteful production strategy, we throw away enough calories to feed an additional 160 or so million people per year. It's such a non-issue but the fact that the poster is worried about it illustrates the drive to protect our walled garden from the perceived undeserving.

  • nothx [any]
    27 days ago

    "Whats the problem, Jack? You like crime or something?"