Just a random shotgun blast of thoughts:


I swore off gaming hardcore for many years and ofc had some of it come back around 2020-2021 and now I've allowed myself to game again and I've been having so much fun . It's just a better BOTW and I think the addition of the zonai devices was brilliant. I will say that I think pretty much ALL of the 'side quests' seem to actually be the main point of the game because I find the main-story cutscenes to fall extremely flat. The central mystery of the plot is interesting but the voice acting is so wooden and the sages all explain the imprisoning war in their cutscenes they have some how managed to make it bland for me. I have NOT completed the main story but I have sunk so many hours into this game literally just vibing.

I feel like that's the main point of this game: it invites you to explore and take your time.