Chinese influencer sprays "toilet" on steele at Yasukuni War Crimes Shrine, records himself pissing on it, then flys back to China and gloats. Japanese far rightoids malding and seething, with a holocaust-denying plastic surgeon offering 10 million yen as a reward for his arrest.


It's also been reported on Westoid and Japanese media so you can search up an article if you want. Reason I'm linking to the tweet is that it has the video and all the English language news is incredibly biased (i.e. no mention of why a Chinese person might not like Yasukuni Shrine until the very last paragraph).

  • loathesome
    28 days ago

    Ah really unfortunate how the 2.1 million military personnel just kinda up and died. I wonder what they doing at the time of their spontaneous demise.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      28 days ago

      "They were defending Japan from communism! (On the plains of Manchuria)"