I've seen some good takes on this website before, e.g.

Tiananmen Square massacre is a myth; all we’re remembering are British lies

Massacre? What massacre?

Wikileaks: no bloodshed inside Tiananmen Square, cables claim

Workers World: China’s Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square ‘massacre’ was a myth

The myth of Tiananmen

What really happened at Tiananmen?

West hypes false Tiananmen death toll

The original fake news: Tiananmen Square massacre

The defeat of counter-revolution in China


Richard Roth - There Was No "Tiananmen Square Massacre" (2009)

Yenica Cortes - Tiananmen Square and the threat of counterrevolution (2009)

Tiananmen - the massacre that wasn’t

No, 10,000 were not killed in China’s 1989 Tiananmen Crackdown (anti-Chinese source, but still!)

Deirdre Griswold - Tiananmen Square ‘massacre’ was a myth (2011)

  • itappearsthat [he/him]
    28 days ago

    There's this book titled Do Not Say We Have Nothing (taken from the line in The Internationale). The book is of course very sad, because Chinese history in the 20th century had a lot of tragedy and it follows a family that lived through all of it. It is basically anticommunist in the way a lot of diaspora literature is. The plot culminates in one of the characters dying in 1989.

    Even so, the book takes pains to describe how disillusioned the characters were with western media coverage of 1989, falsely and spectacularly describing soldiers machine-gunning students in the square and such. It ties into the overall theme of a family buffeted by the great waves of history trying to tell their story which has not been told.

    For my own opinion of 1989, the contemporaneous collapse of the Soviet Union and resulting human catastrophe showed that suppression was the right move. Western liberals are still hung up on 1989 in China because it ruined their orgasm. The sexpat media class was deprived of another country to turn into their unrestricted cheap brothel. Whatever depredation occurred was still not enough for them.