this is vaguely related to the string theory related post from a day or two ago, it's all bazinga science folks TL;DW string theory is a big thing because people that read pop science really liked it and it took a long time for physicists to come out in force and say "this is untestable garbage"

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I think we might be stupider as a species than you give us credit for

    Why do you keep assuming that your own personal assumptions, about craving evil and craving fantasies of inflicting suffering and domination, are universal? People in this thread alone disagreeing with you already demonstrate that is a false assumption.

    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Again, not universal, but at least common enough that large sections of the US consumer good and political economy are dedicated to it.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        If you're accepting it's not unversal why do you keep framing your arguments as if they are universal?

        Earlier you claimed that my disagreement with your "not universal universals" was just a fluke and did not matter. I find that to be an arrogant position.

        but at least common enough that large sections of the US consumer good and political economy are dedicated to it.

        This is a leftist site for leftists. If your position is "fucked up things happen because capitalism" and your conclusion is "therefore do nothing and stop caring, it can't be changed and maybe is universal and maybe people are stupid, lol" what are you even doing here? :what-the-hell:

        • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I am not using precise game theory arguments because this isn't reddit. You keep pushing the scope of this beyond the level of precision I am using about a silly cartoon. I feel no specific need to use this moment of silly cartoon man discourse to make this of any particular significance.

          Separately my assertion is that we all evolved from fish and have good and bad instincts we handle in different ways. People are around 80% good from the psychological readings I have done. Who knows if it is accurate but I go with that. However we still like seeing fucked up violent shit sometimes. Which given the squib discourse here I feel ought to be uncontroversial.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Your "silly cartoon" is absolutely loaded with the :brainworms: and propaganda bestowed to it by Roiland and Harmon, and complaining that I'm "pushing the scope" sounds like you just don't like that I'm not willing to nod along to based sad atrocity plot armor man that gets to reset to a default state every episode for as long as the toxic fanbase will keep gobbling it up.

            Separately my assertion is that we all evolved from fish and have good and bad instincts we handle in different ways.

            because this isn’t reddit.

            So much for no :reddit-logo: when you're whipping out reductionist biotruths bullshit to try to justify your own obviously not-universal beliefs about human nature that multiple people here alone don't agree with.

            People are around 80% good from the psychological readings I have done.

            Even more :reddit-logo: "make personal subjective beliefs sound sciencey and objective with window dressing" tactics there.

            Who knows if it is accurate but I go with that.

            You made it up and you did it from your own subjective biased perspective, so I think it's very unjust to "go with that" and keep assuming almost everyone craves a chance to inflict suffering and whatever biotruths you want to project upon them.

            However we still like seeing fucked up violent shit sometimes.

            There's that "not universal" universalist arguing again. I have seen real fucked up violent shit in my actual offline life. I have had people die right in front of me and I've seen the light face from their eyes. I smelled them shit themselves post-mortem while waiting for help to take away the corpse.

            I don't like seeing "fucked up violent shit" like that and it's both arrogance and privilege on your part that you think the entertainment you derive from such fantasies is "not universal" universal.

            feel ought to be uncontroversial.

            Stop deluding yourself into saying what you feel about things is universal or derived from first principles about biotruths :stop-posting-amogus:

            • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I get you don't like my assertions that people probably behave in the ways we observe them behaving. What is your point? That we need to police everyone's treat consumption patterns? That all of this is fake and we haven't enjoyed problematic treats for all recorded history? That my media criticism skills are lacking and my analysis that sad man appears to be sad is fascile?

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I get you don’t like my assertions that people probably behave in the ways we observe them behaving.

                What an incredibly arrogant way to put it, with a "we" to imply that surely you're not only speaking for yourself when it comes to your sermons on the biotruths of the human race and how evil and stupid it must be as a whole.

                Your attempts to transmute your misanthropy into not-universally-but-universally accepted facts is pure :reddit-logo: brain with, yes, Rick and Morty characteristics.

                What is your point?

                What is your point? You keep claiming that your deeply absorbed propaganda ideology is some scientific fact or near-universal constant and you keep ignoring people saying that they don't share your beliefs and don't apply to your not-universal-but-mostly-universal claims.

                That my media criticism skills are lacking

                Yeah, I am, because you're not criticizing it. You're making excuses for the entertainment product that came from the :libertarian-approaching: edgelord ideology of a pedophilic worker abusing monster and his worker abusing diet-monster buddy.

                • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Letting people enjoy a silly cartoon occasionally is misanthropic? I think you are losing perspective here

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    1 year ago

                    You've moving the goalposts sooooooo far here. At no point did I say you weren't allowed to enjoy the misanthropic nihilistic propaganda of a pedophile worker abuser and his worker abusing buddy. But clearly that entertainment's message has been absorbed by you to the point of driving you to continually claim how not-universal-universal its message is when applied not only to you but to humanity in general.

                    I think you are losing perspective here

                    You can indulge in your edgy propaganda show. Don't expect it to not get criticized sometimes.

                    • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      I'd that were simply it we wouldn't have a conversation. I think you are criticizing it incorrectly. You are mad at what it is, not what it does I feel. Which ignores the context of the moment in important ways.

                      • UlyssesT [he/him]
                        1 year ago

                        I think you are criticizing it incorrectly.

                        I think you're arrogant and presumptive about the character of humanity itself when you absorb a bunch of misanthropic nihilistic propaganda from a rich white pedophile with domestic violence tendencies and continually make claims about how universal and near-constant the message is and how it totally applies to almost everyone.

                        You are mad at what it is

                        If you're going to do "u mad" games, you're definitely enraged that the show got criticized, period, and that I'm not nodding along to your arrogant biotruth assumptions about how everyone is evil and stupid and tempted to be Rick Sanchez if given the chance.