i cannot believe I was vscode-pilled for so long, holy shit. it takes like a week tops to get a basic understanding of the bindings, and from there it's just light speed.
they weren't lying, I am programming as fast as i am processing :isaac-pog:
i cannot believe I was vscode-pilled for so long, holy shit. it takes like a week tops to get a basic understanding of the bindings, and from there it's just light speed.
they weren't lying, I am programming as fast as i am processing :isaac-pog:
> -q
> /q
> q
> -e
> /e
> e
Leave terminal to google the fucking thing
> :q
> :q!
Every fucking time.
And that's why I'm a PM now.
Doesn't vim tell you exactly how to quit if you try CTRL+c now?
It's been a good, peaceful, easy exiting while since I've touched it.
That said, I code on company time on company machines for a company that doesn't question my hardware requests. VSC makes my life much easier to just have everything there, easy docker integration, tabs stay put, multiple terminals into every which spot (with cmder which is just.... crack) all color coded, mother fucking rainbow csv (probably my most useful plugin), cloud tools plugins. Shit end of the day I can live off of VSC, and the other bullshit office apps I'm forced into (who the fuck made msProject a standard).
The take away is: I'm not paid to pump out lines, I'm paid to make spreadsheets and send emails. VS Code is my jam.
VSCode is better than it has any right to be. An open source project from Microsoft? Normally that means it's some sort of crap-performance legal-obligation project. But the people behind VSCode actually know what they're doing.
I think it flew under the radar internally, being linked to the dog shit that is Visual Studio, no one bothered to stop them. Which is the dream.