i cannot believe I was vscode-pilled for so long, holy shit. it takes like a week tops to get a basic understanding of the bindings, and from there it's just light speed.

they weren't lying, I am programming as fast as i am processing :isaac-pog:

  • captcha [any]
    2 years ago

    Vim can do horizontal and vertical splits and tabs. One thing to note is your splits are inside tabs. Splits dont have tabs like in intellij.

    "+y copies to system clipboard. "+p pastes from. the system clipboard. Thats a super useful one. " indicates you want to use a specific buffer to yank/paste and + means the system clipboard. You could replace + with some over number but I never do.

    All language integration IDE usage used to be done by custom plugins but now everyone uses language servers which is what vscode uses. So whatever tooling vscode has, neovim is almost guaranteed to have. You'll have to define your own bindings though.

    Also vim plugins used to be written in vimscript which is a bad language. Neovim added support for lua, a good language. You could learn lua in less than a day if you know other languages. And lua is literally made to be side car'd into programs so it makes perfect sense.